Trauma survivor: is it time to start doing things your way?
If you’re feeling resourceful*, let’s start working through this overwhelming feeling of being trapped and out of control from the root up. Take my FREE workshop on how to recognize and break your trigger loops—this is like the driver’s ed you take before showing up to your life in the driver’s seat.
*If you’re in active crisis, reach out to someone you love or call or text 988 instead.
Wipe your kicks and step into my virtual office.
At Brandi Fleck Coaching, I help people like you meet soul-led goals while self healing unaddressed trauma.
So you can finally feel like yourself again. So you can embrace your dream of a peaceful life, where you can experience the abundance of being human without having to worry about when the other shoe will drop or the uncertainty that surrounds us.
I know you’re looking for calm, certainty, appreciation, validation, confidence, and feeling more in control of your life.
More than anything, you just want to do the right thing.
You’re a damn good person.
But I also know you’re exhausted, minutes away from the next anxiety spiral, and wish someone would just give you the rule book already so you could know what the next right thing even is.
There’s no real rule book.
You are the ultimate authority on your life.
Whoa, whoa. If you’re being honest, that’s scary and downright overwhelming. That’s because your past has taught you that being you isn’t safe.
But your future disagrees. I’m here to help you release that trauma and in the process pin point exactly what is most important to you so you can make decisions based on that while also considering and respecting other people, since you’re the giver you are.
Let’s write your rule book, together.
We can 100% get you showing up in the world in a way that feels good.
(Or at least despite your fear, at first.) Because you are brave and capable.
It’s time to get really clear on what matters to you, not other people. Stop trying to please everyone without considering yourself.
What you need is someone riding beside you, advocating for what’s good for you, what matters most to you, co-regulating and challenging you to process emotions you’ve been stuffing for a while. And then you need someone who can teach you how to integrate that information into not only showing up for the people, animals, and creations you love most, but also showing up for yourself.
You can’t keep beating yourself up for being human and expect to feel good. And, you must learn how to slow down at times so you can go at full speed at other times. You are human after all, not a machine.
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I’m Brandi Fleck, Trauma-Informed Certified Coach. I’m a former technical writer (think thick software manuals), artist, and mass communications nerd who switched careers.
Most importantly, I switched because I’m a trauma survivor like you. In fact, my empathic and highly sensitive traits are likely a result of the emotional abuse and neglect I endured as a child. They are badass super powers and I’ve learned how to use them to my advantage. I want to teach and support you in doing the same thing.
My clients typically show up to work with me in a state of fear, with unprocessed grief, and many times, not even knowing how their past is impacting their present moment, even though they suspect it is. They’re hurting. If they do get what they want or do something for themselves, they end up feeling guilty about it so they can’t even enjoy it.
Here in Nashville, Tennessee, we call that borrowing trouble.
So, I work with them to identify the root of the issue, locate the light, and find the best path out of the hole they’re in.
The majority of my clients are empathhic, sensitive leaders and go-getters who give a lot of themselves without expecting much in return. They come to me with and without C-PTSD diagnoses from all different walks of life from anywhere in the United States. That’s because research shows that at least 70% of people in the U.S. have experienced trauma. It doesn’t discriminate, and neither do I. All races, genders, and sexualities are welcome here.
I help my clients get what they want (and feel good about it!)

(Eventually, that’s freedom. But if that feels untrue right now, don’t worry. You’re in the right place. Here’s how we’ll get you there.)
Identify and break your trigger loops + learn ways to regulate your nervous system in the process, creating a calmer foundation to grow from.
Get clear on what you really want, need, and HOW to move toward it while gaining support and connection.
As you move toward it, find deep healing and meaningful, lasting change through individualized support.