What is Trauma?

A green tinted stone face sculpted in a wall with eyes closed.

This is a jumping off point to understanding what trauma is, how widespread it is, and how it impacts our lives—from reactivity in relationships to chronic physical health issues. It’s beneath the staggering disconnection we feel in society.


Trauma is incredibly widespread. if you suspect you may have experienced or are experiencing trauma, I would love to direct you to two videos with one of the leading experts on what trauma is, how it’s different from stress (although chronic stress can become traumatizing in my opinion), and how it imprints our bodies and impacts our lives.

Register for my free workshop on identifying your own trauma responses and how they’re impacting your life. In this workshop, you also create a plan for slowly starting to calm your emotions and change your reactions.

Table of Contents

  • How Trauma is Different Than Stress

  • Understanding and Healing Trauma

How Trauma is Different Than Stress

In this short video, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk gives a brief overview of what trauma is and how it’s different than stress.

Understanding and Healing Trauma

In this video, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee interivew Dr. Bessel van der Kolk on what trauma is and they discuss ways to heal trauma that don’t require medication. This is a great interview and lasts about an hour and a half.

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments, or you can schedule a free consultation.


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